If you want the very best education for your child, look no further than an international program, and while international schools are not the cheapest, they certainly offer the best, both in terms of academic and general education. The main reasons for the high term fees are, teachers’ salaries, which must be high to attract qualified teachers from the home country, plus the high cost of providing a campus that is fully equipped, and this adds up to a big investment.

British or American Curriculum

Every international school will teach one of the two main curricula on offer around the world, and it is up to the parents to decide which would benefit their child more, British or American English. For an international school in Thailand, Bangkok would be the location, with perhaps as many as ten international schools that could be found in the suburbs, and some would offer the America curriculum, with the remaining schools using a British based learning program.


If you live in a non-English-speaking country like Thailand, it is a good idea to enroll your child in a kindergarten international program, which would give them a foundation of the English language. The child would stay in this section until the age of 6 or 7, when they would move into the middle section, or primary school years, which run until 11 or 12 years old.

Primary School

Known in the US as middle school, this forms the basis of a child’s education, and they would learn all the subjects and be tested every term, ensuring they are achieving high scores. If a child has a special talent or interest, this would be revealed during the primary years, allowing teachers to adapt the content.

Secondary or High School

In the UK, the final 5 years of formal education are known as the ‘secondary’ years, and in the US, this is ‘high school’. The work would become progressively harder, as the young learners develop, and when they reach university age, they would be very capable indeed.

Native English Teachers

All the teachers at international schools come from either the UK or the US, depending on which curriculum they use, so if you enroll your child into an international program, you can be sure they will acquire English.

If you want to give your son or daughter the best education, look no further than an international program, and with an online search, you can be viewing websites and taking in information about the schools.

At Invictus International school Singapore, we provide an outstanding international education for students from Pre-School to Year 13. Our unique approach combines the best of East and West, with a focus on creativity, critical thinking and collaboration.